
The Haliburton Forest Group is a portfolio of hardwood sawmills and a full-service forestry operation based in central Ontario.

To supply our sawmills and support our log yard operations, our team of forestry professionals and technicians manage our own private lands, provide services to other major landowners across Ontario through our Stewardship Services business, and are highly involved in the management of Crown forests across central Ontario.

The Haliburton Forest Group is part of Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve Ltd., a sustainable, multi-use private land stewardship company. We own and operate over 250,000 acres of hardwood timberland in Ontario, including 100,000 acres of predominantly hardwood timberland in Haliburton County. Our properties were the first in Canada to be certified as sustainable by the Forest Stewardship Council. On our private timberlands, we operate a diverse and accessible Tourism & Recreation Division, which offers hunting, fishing, hiking, camping, group experiences, recreational trails, and much more to the general public.

The Haliburton Forest Group is a principled organization that emphasizes sustainability, silviculture, and respect for the land. We operate our facilities in a manner that is consistent with our Work Ethic, which means that we strive to continuously improve our performance with respect to being Safe, Clean, Efficient, Ambitious, and Competitive – in that order.

Land Acknowledgement
Haliburton Forest continues striving to do better in terms of sustainable forest management. One of our initiatives is improving our relationships with Indigenous communities, businesses, and individuals. We have enrolled in the Progressive Aboriginal Relations program, which is administered by the Canadian Council for Indigenous Business.

We respectfully acknowledge that the operations of Haliburton Forest are in the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe; some of its communities and nations are collectively known as the Williams Treaty First Nations. Our operations are also in the traditional territory of the Algonquins of Ontario, who are party to a Memorandum of Understanding signed in 2016. These First Nations and many others have been stewards of these lands since time immemorial.

We seek to honour their historical and ongoing connection to the land by acknowledging their stewardship, engaging their communities, and learning from their members, while fulfilling our commitment to sustainable forest management.

Our Partners and Affiliates

  • Tourism & Recreation Division

    The Tourism & Recreation Division at Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve Ltd. offers a wide range of recreational activities, including hiking, hunting, fishing, camping, snowmobiling, mountain biking, catering, overnight accommodations, concerts, group experiences, Wolf Centre, guided tours, and much more. The Tourism & Recreation Division tends to be the “face” of Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve Ltd. Its purpose is to earn our social license by sharing our private properties with the public at large while operating a viable business on the property. If you wish to explore the Tourism & Recreation Division, please contact our Main Office by phone (1-800-631-2198) or email (reservations@haliburtonforest.com), or check out the website.

  • Eco-Log Homes

    As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve Ltd., Eco-Log Homes can provide log homes ranging from small cabins to full-sized cottages, customized to meet any customer’s needs. Built exclusively from Hemlock timbers – one of the most durable woods available in Ontario – these buildings last virtually forever. By way of being rustic, simple, and low-cost, yet robust, classic, and attractive, EcoLog Homes occupies a unique niche in the regional log home market. Its operations are located on the same site as the Haliburton Forest Sawmill. If you are interested in Eco-Log Homes, please contact our team by phone (416-428-1513) or email (ecolog@haliburtonforest.com), or check out the website.

  • The Paddle Shop

    The Paddle Shop is another wholly-owned subsidiary of Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve Ltd., which falls under the umbrella of the Tourism & Recreation Division. It focuses on manufacturing high-quality, handcrafted paddles from hardwood lumber that is sustainably harvested and locally sourced. Our master paddle maker is an avid outdoor enthusiast and experienced paddler that can custom-build any paddle for any customer. If you are interested in a custom paddle from The Paddle Shop, please contact our team by phone (705 455 2684) or email (paddles@haliburtonforest.com), or check out the website.

  • Living Woodwork

    Manufacturing high-quality bespoke furniture and household goods, Living Woodwork is a joint venture between Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve Ltd. and Zachary Tripp. Living Woodwork will make anything for anybody, as long as it is primarily built from wood; custom orders are the specialty – the more challenging, the better! If you are interested in custom furniture from Living Woodwork, please contact its team by phone (705-754-0556) or email (zachary@livingwoodwork.com), or check out the website.

  • Haliburton Forest Biochar

    Haliburton Forest Biochar is a joint venture between Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve Ltd. and a Canadian partner. It manufactures extremely high-quality biochar using its proprietary pyrolysis technology, with its raw material being sawmill residues produced at the facilities owned and operated by The Haliburton Forest Group. Haliburton Forest Biochar’s products are used in soil amendment applications as well as in advanced manufacturing, where it is capable of displacing fossil fuel products like carbon black on a pound-for-pound basis. Inquiries about Haliburton Forest Biochar may be submitted by email (info@haliburtonforest.com).

  • Limberlost Forest and Wildlife Reserve

    Limberlost Forest & Wildlife Reserve is a publicly accessible private year-round wilderness haven of 10,000 acres located in the Muskoka region of central Ontario. The private reserve contains more than 20 lakes, 70 kilometres of recreational trails, 12 rental cabins of various sizes, and dozens of campsites. With a long history as a recreational destination dating back to the early-1900s, Limberlost Forest & Wildlife Reserve has been open to the public for day use at no cost since 2000. Having common ownership with Haliburton Forest & Wild Life Reserve Ltd., the two companies work together to implement sustainable forest management and share the land with a wide range of stakeholders.